Friday, 15 April 2022

My First Sniper Leads to Draw ... !

My latest ckub game against Newbury saw me squeeze a draw. To start with, we struggled to find the Chursh Hall - which was in the middle of nowhere in a tiny village situated at least 10miles from Newbury! I elected to play the Sniper where effectively it doesn't matter what White plays - as Black you just play Nf6, c5, g6, and Bg7 and you have the setup complete. Charlie Storey has written a book about it. To be honest, the game was a stodgy one, but Sandhurst won on the evening, so I am not complaining ...

As usual, any comments welcome ...


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Thursday, 14 April 2022

Unable to use especially prepared Budapest!!

I was secretly hoping for a Budapest in my game against Woking a couple of weeks ago. Unfortunately I had to reply to Nf3 as White's first move and I was somewhat flummoxed! I had an 'OK' game I guess, but could not draw the game a pawn down, and a win was certainly out of the question ... ! I got ground down in the middle game and never recovered from the loss of the pawn. My Bishop performed an admirable job of blocking any pawn advances for quite some time, but I could not hold the position once White's King came marching into an advanced and superior position. Unfortunately I was not able to write down all the moves due to time constraints (I had 5 mins left on my clock, thereforen it was unnecessary to record the moves). As you can see from the last move I recorded, the enemy King has started his journey around the board ... (Also it looks like I could have won White's f-pawn on move 40 .. but I may well have written the moves down incorrectly !!!

As usual, any comments welcome ...


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