Monday, 9 November 2009

A risky scarifice can shock and disarm an opponent!

I was rummaging through some old chess publications (I inherited) from the 1980's last night in an attempt to find some old Albin counter-gambit games. Instead I stumbled across this little gem of a "Budapest" ...

France - 5th International Open of Ales:

Castel vs Quintana

1. d4 Nf6
2. c4 e5
3. d5 Bc5 (White elects to push the pawn instead of capturing on e5)
4. h3 ... Now Black seizes an opportunity ...
... Bxf2+ (LOOKS RISKY?!)
5. Kxf2 Ne4+
6. Ke3 f5
7. Nf3 d6 (releasing a sacrificial Bishop)
8. Nc3 f4+
9. Kxe4 Bf5+
10. Kxf5 Qf6+
11. Ke4 Qg6 mate!

A corker of a King Hunt !!!

1 comment:

greg_b said...

Good game on the blog by the way. Interestingly, Bc5 is a good option in the main line as well, as after: 3. dxe5 Ng4 4. Nf3 Bc5 white is pretty much compelled to play 5.e3 and then will need to spend a fair amount of time relocating the c1 bishop to a useful square such as b2. (e.g. a3, b4, Bb2) . (Comment by Steve Milford)