That's it, I thought - the next opportunity I have - I'm buying a copy of CM-9000 !!
I bought a copy the following day (at another chess competition) !! Although I payed more than I should have done, I have to say that I am not disappointed at all ...
This has so far proved to be a great study aid for openings, tactics in the middlegame and endings. The ending training (quizz) is very useful ... !
Certain characteristics always ring true in any type of ending and the Chessmaster 9000 CD contains just the right balance of subject matter to keep you focused and attentive without boring you stupid.
Here are some of the endgame topics that are covered in the Chessmaster tutorial section:
1) Queening a pawn by understanding the principle of 'the opposition'.
2) Understanding the principle of 'the distant opposition' (includes maintaining an odd number of squares between kings)
3) Confinement: keeping the enemy king on the 1st or the 8th file.
4) Three pawns against three pawns.
5) Outside passed pawns.
6) Correct calculation for pawn advancement / promotion. Includes accurate counting of squares and taking tricky tactics into account wherever possible!
7) Rooks on the 7th rank (and the prevention of!).
8) Knight and pawn vs pawn endgames.
9) Knight and Bishop and pawn endgames.
10) Opposite coloured Bishop endgames.
11) 'Under-promotion' to win the game.
12) Rook and pawn against Rook endings - includes 'winning skewers'.
13) Rook and pawn endings in general.
14) Queen and pawn against Queen endings.
If you are serious about chess then I consider the above endgame topics to be a 'staple diet' for your endgame training ... If you can honestly say that you are competent with all of the above then you are well on the way to becoming an expert chess player ... !
Endgame training is often neglected by most casual players, but the grounding that the CM-9000 software provides, will provide you with a huge advantage if you take the time and effort to learn from it ...
CM-9000 - Amazon Link
CM-Grandmaster Edition
You-tube Intro to CM-9000
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