Saturday, 21 April 2012

Blunder costs me dearly!

It was Sunday morning and I was ready for the penultimate game.  My opponent had a grade of 153 so I was in for a difficult ride!  My opponent played 1.d4.  I played 1. ..Nf6, hoping he'd play 2.c4 and I'd be able to play 2. ..e5 and get into my favourite response - The Budapest Defence.  No such luck - he played 2.Nf3 immediately snuffing out my chances of a Budapest ... :(  I think we ended up in a Tarrasch?  I'm not sure what to do exactly in a Tarrasch, so will need to investigate with Fritz when I have more time - anyway, I ended up blundering my Bishop!  (Also 11. ..Qc7 was  very dubious - probably premature)

By my usual standards the game was a disaster - I lost a pawn due to poor calculation and so as to compensate I tried to get into a tactically sharp position, but the blunder cost me dearly and I really had no hope from then on ... Perhaps I should have considered 22. .. Rg6 and the game would certainly have taken a different course!

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