Saturday, 12 May 2012

Budapest - Undeveloped Bishop

In this club game I wanted to spring a surprise on my opponent by playing an unorthodox opening.  How better that the Budapest?!  Just one problem - my opponent wasn't really surprised ... :)  In fact he seemed to know Alekhine's variation of the Budapest pretty well and achieved perfect central domination.  My bishop became hemmed in - I played a poor positional game with my knights and left myself with zero play!  It just goes to show that, if your opponent is more than familiar with the opening that you are trying to surprise them with, then you have to be prepared. I didn't revise Alekhine's variation well enough. Upon arriving home after the game, I referred to Tim Taylor's book and realised that I had misplaced my knight at a critical juncture. Here is the game:


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1 comment:

greg_b said...

I have had another look at this game and feel the following move order would have been better for me ...

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e5 3.dxe5 Ng4 4.e4 Nxe5 5.f4 Nec6 6.Be3 Na6 - this has the positional idea of exchanging White's good bishop with Bc5. Apparently this is better than 6...d6 but this plan is still considered too slow. 6...Bb4+ is considered better ...