I played the major section of the 5th Portsmouth Chess Congress this year. I scored 2.5 out of 6, an improvement of 0.5 over last year which is pleasing. I have decided to Blog all six games. On my first game I was able to play the Budapest. Fortunately for me, my opponent thought for a good 10-15 mins on move 3!? Surely this is a no-no!!! I once read that it is essential to play the first series of opening moves as quickly as possible, especially in a tournament. Once the opening is over it is only THEN that you should take time to find a) the right plan and b) perhaps look to make the game tactical?
I have to admit that I got lucky in this game and managed to win a piece for a pawn with a simple fork. Anyway, here is the game that I managed to win ...
"Chess is a form of intellectual productiveness; therein lies its peculiar charm, and intellectual productiveness is one of the greatest joys of human existence".
Dr Siegbert Tarrasch (1862-1934), The Game of Chess, 1936, translated by G.E. SMITH and T.G. BONE.
Hi Greg you must have been on the high after Re8+ but the game would be balanced game until...
21. Qe2 seems to lose hold on e...
why not trying to bring Ne4 with 21. Nd2 ?
is 21. Nd2 better?
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